GM Innovations Limited: Rotaflow®

Barwell plc investments are made into Scottish start-ups and inventions – particularly those that benefit people and the environment.

For some years Barwell have been investing in GM Innovations Limited on a portfolio of water purification devices.

This invention and the portfolio comprise a range of separator devices based on an unique application of centrifugal force.

Rotaflow® is protected by several families of 9 granted patents. There are also 22 National and International patent applications in the pipeline, and it is envisaged that these will provide further valuable patent protection in new technologies and key territories in due course.

GM Innovations have an ongoing policy of protecting improvements in their technology and a number of new patent applications directed to more recent developments are currently in preparation.

Applications are:

  • The separation of water & oil
  • The separation of sand & grit from contaminated water
  • The extraction of heavy, precious metals, minerals and REE (Rare Earth Elements) from contaminated water
  • The separation of sludge from contaminated water
  • The provision of safe drinking water
  • The treatment of contaminated water using an environmentally friendly additive
  • Hydrogen Production using the Rotaflow® principle


Rotaflow: Oil & Water Separator

Rotaflow: Sand/Grit & Water Separator

Separation Efficiencies

Analysis carried out and verified by independent laboratories shows contaminate reduction to 18.51 ppm (parts per million) residual oil contaminant in water after processing a 50:50 oil & water mixture and 6 ppm (parts per million) residual sand in water with a sand /grit & water process separation.

It should be noted that these results are from a small prototype and not the final up-scaled industrial commercial offering – independent mathematical calculations show that there will be a significant improvement to the final separation outcome from the full-scale device..

The competitive advantage of this technology Rotaflow®, is that it facilitates an in line, continuous process with a small footprint to separate contaminants in the stated range of market sectors, including oil and gas, wastewater treatment and mining.

The Development Outcome Timeline

Rotaflow® has been developed and enhanced since the initial ‘proof of concept’ to the levels of separation currently achieved, through innovations introduced to meet changing market conditions and process needs.

Click here to view our development outcome timeline document.